
The fmts (formattings) module comes into play when the date data format is unknown. It has two key class objects. The Deriver class derives the date format from a list of dates, returning an UndatedFormat class object, which contains the information required by the as_parts function to extract the date elements.

class undated.fmts.Deriver

Facilitates the searching of dates to derive the format

search(dates: Union[list, str, tuple]) Optional[UndatedFormat]

Search through a list of dates to derive the date format


All of the dates in the list passed to the search method are expected to be in the same format.


dates – list or tuple of dates to search. Or str for one date


the derived UndatedFormat object

set_parameters(params: dict)

Sets the optional parameters for the search


params – see tutorial for possible parameters

class undated.fmts.UndatedFormat(split: list[int, int, int], keys: list[str, str, str], steps: dict, valid: bool)

Properties for the format. Created by the Deriver class or convert_format function

undated.fmts.as_parts(sdate: Union[int, str], fmt: Union[str, UndatedFormat], yy_pivot: Optional[int] = None) Optional[tuple]

Converts the sdate to year, month, day, based on the format

  • sdate – The date as a str or int

  • fmt – The date format, as either a basic format as a string, or a derived format

  • yy_pivot – The pivot year for two digit years. Use with string based formats

undated.fmts.convert_format(fmt: str, yy_pivot: Optional[int] = None) UndatedFormat

Converts the basic string format into an UndatedFormat object. Recommended when looping, to prevent repeated format conversion.

  • fmt – The string format. See the tutorial for valid values.

  • yy_pivot – The pivot year for two digit years. Use only with string based formats.